Plan a Good Death

Death is a part of life. It's inevitable, yet we often fear the conversations surrounding “it”. As if we can postpone when it will happen to us or our loved ones.

Let’s be brave and have a conversation about our own death. Let’s talk about how amazing it is to be alive and to experience death in a way that normalizes this unique and special occasion. Planning a Good Death is on the spectrum of a life well lived. My goal with coaching clients is to help them live authentic and fulfilling lives that reflect their humanness, desires, goals, and what's truly important to them.

Plan a Good Death begins the conversation about what a good death looks like for you. We will create a personalized death guidebook that will encapsulate your visions, desires, and personal requests, as well as your health directives and any instructions for those who may be appointed to support you with this process.

There is no age too young or too old to begin this process. If you have already started planning or thinking about your death or that of a loved one, wonderful. We can build upon what you have already created.

Let’s discuss what a Good Death looks like for you.